Monday, June 14, 2021

In 2021, does anyone seriously believe blacks are oppressed?


President Obama’s Attorney General, Eric Holder, while in office, said the United States is “a nation of cowards” when it comes to race relations. He went on to say that, although there’s been improvements in race relations, our country is still socially segregated. It was kind of odd to hear that from our country’s first black AG, appointed by our first black President. After all, tens of millions of whites voted for Obama against his opponent, John McCain, a white guy. Therefore, if more than half the nation wanted to be represented by a black man, wouldn’t that indicate that racial barriers had been taken down? Add to that the fact that Obama was reelected over another white guy when he bested Mitt Romney in 2012.

The irony of Holder’s comments is that his boss became a racially divisive leader during his 8 years in office. Moreover, 5 years after he left the White House our country is dealing with black hatred toward whites on an unprecedented scale. Black Lives Matter, a group that openly hates whites, tell us that we must not say “all lives matter” because that is racist language. In other words, the only lives that matter are black lives. Interestingly, that roguish gang of extortionists never comment on or actively work to deter the massive number of black lives lost, at the violent hands of other blacks, each year in major cities across the country.

Yet, if a black thug is killed during an encounter with a white police officer, most often when resisting arrest, it’s immediately leapt upon as a propaganda tool to bash all of white society. If BLM was really concerned about black lives they’d be using some of their ill-gotten cash to pay for ads that tell people to make their complaints at the police station or the courtroom, rather than in violent clashes on the street. I learned a lot during my 20 years as a cop in NYC. Among them was that people who resist arrest are almost always doing so because they have a “yellow sheet,” as we used to refer to lengthy arrest records, hence they fear the longer sentences handed out to recidivists. Another lesson I learned was that everyone I arrested was “innocent.”

When whites decry the overtly abusive comments about their skin color, their protestations are referred to as “white fragility,” aka, racism. Whites who are perceived to have more of anything than blacks are called “privileged,” i.e., racists. One wonders how much privilege whites receive from such targeted programs as Affirmative Action. Undoubtedly, some readers of this column will call me a racist, since they don’t have an intellectual argument to refute the contents. It’s all part of the left-wing hustle which seeks to control the conversation by muzzling opposition.

A couple of years ago, a black University of Georgia teacher’s assistant grabbed headlines when he said, “Some white people may have to die for black communities to be made whole.” When questioned about his outrageous racism, Irami Osei-Frampong said he didn’t see why people got upset. Well, I think most rational people would say his vision is seriously impaired if he can’t “see” how despicable a human being he is.

More recently, during a lecture at Yale University, psychiatrist Aruna Khilanani said she has fantasies about shooting white people. “I had fantasies of unloading a revolver into the head of any white person that got in my way, burying their body and wiping my bloody hands as I walked away relatively guiltless with a bounce in my step, like I did the world a f***ing favor,” she said. Again, irony suggests that this deranged shrink seek help from a psychiatrist.

Then we come to Critical Race Theory, a radical left philosophy that found its way into many public schools. CRT teaches kids to hate their country and to judge their classmates based on their skin color. Furthermore, it tells black children that they are permanently oppressed because of their skin pigment. In addition, there’s the hackneyed canard emphasizing that whites are the reason for the misery of blacks. Thankfully, parents of all races are becoming aware of such extremist agendas and are fighting back.

I could go on and on with similar threats against whites, and they are numerous, but suffice to say that whites have been taking a lot of abuse from leftists of all 3 races and all 2 genders. We haven’t reached the point in which whites begin making similar vicious comments against blacks. Nevertheless, we keep hearing blacks are oppressed. One can only imagine the backlash if a white professor said she fantasized about shooting blacks. Fortunately, the overwhelming number of whites and blacks are not falling for the Machiavellian tactics of hate-filled nihilists. To quote Maya Angelou, “Hate has caused many problems for the world, but it has not solved one yet.”




Saturday, June 12, 2021

Monday, April 19, 2021

Little Elm Democrat has issues with her party

 In the last year, I have worked on twenty-one campaigns either directly or indirectly.  I have taken it upon myself to learn the inner workings of the machine that we call politics because the Democratic Party in Denton County, Texas can only be described as dysfunctional when it is operating at its very best.  

I have stepped away because I am tired of losing and volunteer fatigue is real.  I know that I am not alone.  Only three of the candidates won: Biden, Warnock, and Ossoff.  We all know how narrow they were.

The problem with the Democratic Party is that they claim to be inclusive.  In their attempt to encompass everyone, they lack branding and a singular message like their Republican counterparts.  All they really agree that they stand for is “Hey, we aren’t Trump”.  If you asked two dozen leaders in the Denton County Democratic Party (DCDP) what the party values are, they would all define them differently.  They would tell you their values.  It is like listening to people attempting to shout over one another instead of the Republicans who are all singing the same song in a choir.

I am not saying that there is no dissension in the Republican Party in Denton.  I know they don’t always like one another; however, they are collaborative.  They pursue a greater purpose.  They work past their egos towards a common goal as a team in a very businesslike manner.  Everything is like a calculated game of chess.  They are very intentional and always thinking several moves ahead.  On the other hand, Democrats aren’t even on the same board, much less playing the same game, or even on the same team.

The Republican Party has a clear path of progression.  There are known paths to leadership.  There is training.  There are preferred vendors. The Republican businesses in the community back the party.  Need a mentor?  They have those too.  There are committees.  You do your time and work through the ranks.  Everyone works in a synchronous motion like a well-oiled machine toward a common objective.  There is no overlap and there is very little waste.  This is business for them - the business of winning elections.  There is not room for feelings, egos, and people competing to take recognition.  When the candidate wins, they all win.  They work together, win together, and celebrate together.  No one is left behind except the Democrats.

What are the Democrats doing?  The first time that I walked into the Denton County Democratic Party office there was a table with four volunteers working from a paper list on one municipal campaign.  They were using their personal cell phones to text thousands of people on a printed list from VAN (Voter Access Network).  I could have done the exact same thing by myself in an hour with the proper technology and coordination, but that did not occur.  What do you think the likelihood of those individuals volunteering again is?  Let that sink in.  I could have done in one hour what four people spent eight hours doing.  That is thirty-one hours that are lost that could have been used doing canvassing, block walking, registering voters, making phone calls, placing signs, poll greeting, and dozens of other details volunteers can assist with on a grassroots level on any campaign.  Aside from the fact that it would have been a more efficient use of their time, they would have felt less fatigued, more valued, and productive, so they would be more likely to come back and volunteer for other campaigns.

If they can’t run an effective campaign, what does that say?  The DCDP would rather cut out anyone that gives constructive criticism, innovates, or has a different way of thinking like a cancer.  They don’t want to change.  They like being flawed and do not see the forest for the trees.

What about the ultimate customer that they are supposed to be servicing?  Would it surprise you if I said that I have worked on one campaign that has had to terminate four Campaign Managers that were all endorsed by DCDP?  The county party is supposed to be here to work in a collaborative effort with all of the candidates.  After people are referred to them by the Texas Democratic Party, they tell the potential candidates what offices are open, when, and where to sign up.  After that, they literally never hear from them again.  If you want an endorsement, you have to solicit it.  There aren’t any ethics guidelines or a “How To Manuals”.  You are not given a mentor or point of contact.

Think about this from the perspective of people that have never run for office before.  That is the vast majority of the campaigns I have worked on and with.  They are beyond frustrated by the lack of responsiveness, professionalism, and assistance from the DCDP.  That is what the new County Chair, Jennifer Skidonenko, claimed she was going to tackle as her first initiative; however, there has not been any improvement.  A $7,500 expenditure I spearheaded for a Coordinated Campaign effort targeting Little Elm, Denton, and Lewisville municipal elections was approved by the County Executive Committee; however, they have failed to do anything to support the candidates to date.  Early voting begins April 19th.

The Democratic Party is fractured into cliques in Denton because no one can get along and work together.  There are no less than a dozen Facebook groups, all full of the same people, talking about the same things.  It is like an echo chamber.  If we are on one team, why can’t we at least have one major Facebook group?  Is this junior high?  Why are we sitting at different electronic tables in the lunchroom?  And, most are sponsored or endorsed by Denton County Democratic Party.  They are literally endorsing and sponsoring the problem.  They are electronically fracturing us.

People have asked me, “why don’t you do your own thing”?  I have seen my peers do it.  They are ostracized, labeled, and their character is defamed.  They immediately fall into one or more of the following categories: 

  • Secret Republican

  • Severely mentally ill and refuse to seek treatment

  • Racist or not anti-racist

  • Angry Black woman

  • Dripping in White Privilege

There is a time when enough is enough and they push you so far and say so many inflammatory things about so many people, tear apart so many relationships, and leave you alone in the cold, that it is better to walk away, but there is nowhere to go.  There are no ethics.  There is no accountability.  There is no authentic chain of command.  There are no defined roles.  It is not even organized chaos.  It is just discord, lawlessness, and monkeys running the circus.  

Oh, sure.  They demand action.  They place Jennifer Bitecofer, Stacey Abrams, and Beto on pedestals, but words without actions are meaningless.

Einstein is credited with saying, “the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result.”  We can complain about what we don’t like or we can attempt to initiate positive change.  The Denton County Democtratic Party is not ready or willing to change.  You can not get Democrats into higher offices and flip seats without winning the municipal elections.  The fact is that name recognition and experience carry a lot of weight with voters.  As long as they continue to work harder instead of smarter, they will continue this losing streak.  They will continue to lose because they have alienated the very base that wanted to help them.

Just One Frustrated Democrat In Denton, Texas In A Sea Of Many.

Shelby Chiles

Me and my baby on Zoom


Friday, March 26, 2021

Winning the Fight against drug addiction

The greatest fear any family can imagine is the death of one of their children. We were not meant to outlive our kids. Eleven years ago, a young man from Flower Mound, Texas, named Brett O’Keefe succumbed to an accidental drug overdose that took his life. Soon thereafter, his mother, Kathy O’Keefe, began helping other families dealing with addiction through her nonprofit organization, Winning the Fight (WTF) – Winning the Fight, a 501(c)(3) organization provides drug education, support, and necessary resources to youth and families that suffer from the disease of addiction.


The following is from the WTF website: “There is a resurgence in drug addiction all over America that is coming back in a very real way. Most of the time it starts with prescription pills, but quickly leads to more extreme drugs. People that are affected by this are not psychologically disturbed, junkies or criminals, but normal kids that come from very normal families. The Center for Disease Control declared that in 2017, 72,000 people died from drug overdoses. That is one person every 7.3 minutes. Of those numbers, 49,000 were from opioids.


“Our goal is to educate. Most families do not educate themselves to the destruction of addiction until it happens to them and then it becomes necessary. They make drug use a moral issue when it is not. Our goal is to help parents realize that this can happen to normal families. This is happening in areas all over America. If no one speaks out, we cannot change the stigma and the judgment.”


In the video interview, Kathy O’Keefe, Executive Director of WTF talks about her organization and her efforts to end the scourge of drug addiction that has crippled our country. Ms. O’Keefe sent the following short bio:

“Kathy holds a Bachelor of Fine Arts from Harrington Institute in Chicago, IL. and has worked in Sales and Marketing for 35 years. She has served many positions on the Boards of Business and Professional Women (BPW), American Business Women’s Association (ABWA) and American University Women’s Association (AUWA). She has done television, newspaper and radio interviews with WBAP, Fox News, Fishbowl Radio, Cross Timbers Gazette, Dallas Morning News and the Ft. Worth Star Telegram.  Kathy received the Flower Mound, Outstanding Citizen Award of 2016.  She and her husband of 29 years, raised both their boys in Flower Mound, TX.” 

Saturday, January 30, 2021

Exposing the Deep State can be dangerous

 When I look at the last 4 years and how our country seemed to get more divided than anytime since the Civil War it’s easy to conclude that President Trump is the reason it occurred. From the moment he declared war on the corruption in DC he became a target of all those entrenched power brokers who have been able to hide their venal activities from an unsuspecting public. Trump became the loudest whistleblower in history when he talked about draining the swamp that had been operating like an organized crime family for generations. In order for a mafia-like mob to operate effectively it must keep its nefarious pursuits from public exposure. Hence, President Trump had to be destroyed!  

Like most people, when I was growing up, I heard the phrase “no one is above the law” many times. It was a saying that provided a definition of what justice means. Therefore, if someone punched you in the nose without provocation, you were confident that you could call a cop and have the puncher arrested. But, suppose the ruffian was related to the police chief or the mayor? Would his chances of conviction for assault be the same as if he were the son of the local electrician or plumber? Nepotism and other forms of favoritism seems to be part of the DNA in all of us. We want to protect our own, so, we’ll use whatever resources we have to keep them out of trouble.

We can apply that reasoning to national politics as well. Once upon a time if politicians were caught in a corruption probe they would quickly resign their offices and attempt to hide from the embarrassing publicity, while praying that they would not go to jail. In addition, when public officials were exposed as incompetent, reckless, or negligent in the performance of duty, they’d step down amid a swirling tide of public outrage. Not anymore! These days it takes a lot more than bribery, mismanagement, and/or mendacity during congressional hearings to remove these reprobates from office. It seems as though we’ve arrived at a time in which those in power have rigged the system to keep from being penalized for their crimes. They’ll destroy anyone who threatens their comfortable position at the top of the crooked food chain.

The foregoing is reminiscent of the racketeers that would do anything to keep from being exposed. If you were a witness to a crime by some hoodlum, with ties to organized crime, your chances of making it to a courtroom with your testimony was slim and none. Anyone who endangered the criminal enterprise would suddenly disappear or have a tragic “accident.” Although those tactics may have also be used in cases of government corruption, these days, there are other tactics which are more subtle, but, just as effective in silencing the conscientious citizen. If you’re viewed as a threat to the established order you might be labeled a racist, homophobe, xenophobe or some other “ist or phobe.” Even if you’re a US Senator, (Josh Hawley) you may have your home surrounded by a vicious mob in the middle of the night, or you (Senator Rand Paul) and your wife may need police protection to leave a gathering at the White House.

In addition, if you’re a Republican who posts on social media you’re very likely to be attacked by left wing posters who will attempt to scare you by destroying your character online, even going so far as to call your employer and demand that you be fired for having the audacity to post opinions that are outside left wing orthodoxy. If you are a conservative notable with a large following on Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, etc., your views will be considered “inappropriate” by the tech giants who have morphed into tyrannical oligarchs with the power to muzzle your every thought. All of the foregoing seems to be indicative of the systemic corruption in the political establishment that runs this country like an organized crime empire.

The attempt by highly placed people, most of whom that have never had their power challenged, to keep President Trump on the defensive against an unprecedented assault from phony investigations, is a sure sign that they wanted to divert the public’s attention from their despicable behavior. Why did so many insiders conspire to keep an outsider from pushing the curtain aside and looking inside the tent? Is it possible that the level of corruption is so immense that if uncovered, elected officials from coast to coast could end up wearing orange jumpsuits? Is it unfathomable to believe that top officials in our government have created an alliance with corporate giants and media moguls to make exposure impossible? What they did to President Trump is a warning to all others who would dare attempt to drain the swamp that operates in perpetuity on the Potomac.