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In 2021, does anyone seriously believe blacks are oppressed?
President Obama’s Attorney General, Eric Holder, while in
office, said the United States is “a nation of cowards” when it comes to race
relations. He went on to say that, although there’s been improvements in race
relations, our country is still socially segregated. It was kind of odd to hear
that from our country’s first black AG, appointed by our first black President.
After all, tens of millions of whites voted for Obama against his opponent,
John McCain, a white guy. Therefore, if more than half the nation wanted to be
represented by a black man, wouldn’t that indicate that racial barriers had
been taken down? Add to that the fact that Obama was reelected over another
white guy when he bested Mitt Romney in 2012.
The irony of Holder’s comments is that his boss became a
racially divisive leader during his 8 years in office. Moreover, 5 years after
he left the White House our country is dealing with black hatred toward whites
on an unprecedented scale. Black Lives Matter, a group that openly hates
whites, tell us that we must not say “all lives matter” because that is racist
language. In other words, the only lives that matter are black lives.
Interestingly, that roguish gang of extortionists never comment on or actively
work to deter the massive number of black lives lost, at the violent hands of
other blacks, each year in major cities across the country.
Yet, if a black thug is killed during an encounter with a
white police officer, most often when resisting arrest, it’s immediately leapt
upon as a propaganda tool to bash all of white society. If BLM was really
concerned about black lives they’d be using some of their ill-gotten cash to
pay for ads that tell people to make their complaints at the police station or
the courtroom, rather than in violent clashes on the street. I learned a lot
during my 20 years as a cop in NYC. Among them was that people who resist
arrest are almost always doing so because they have a “yellow sheet,” as we
used to refer to lengthy arrest records, hence they fear the longer sentences
handed out to recidivists. Another lesson I learned was that everyone I
arrested was “innocent.”
When whites decry the overtly abusive comments about their
skin color, their protestations are referred to as “white fragility,” aka,
racism. Whites who are perceived to have more of anything than blacks are
called “privileged,” i.e., racists. One wonders how much privilege whites
receive from such targeted programs as Affirmative Action. Undoubtedly, some
readers of this column will call me a racist, since they don’t have an
intellectual argument to refute the contents. It’s all part of the left-wing
hustle which seeks to control the conversation by muzzling opposition.
A couple of years ago, a black University of Georgia
teacher’s assistant grabbed headlines when he said, “Some white people may have
to die for black communities to be made whole.” When questioned about his
outrageous racism, Irami Osei-Frampong said he didn’t see why people got upset.
Well, I think most rational people would say his vision is seriously impaired
if he can’t “see” how despicable a human being he is.
More recently, during a lecture at Yale University, psychiatrist
Aruna Khilanani said she has fantasies about shooting white people. “I had fantasies of unloading a revolver
into the head of any white person that got in my way, burying their body and
wiping my bloody hands as I walked away relatively guiltless with a bounce in
my step, like I did the world a f***ing favor,” she said. Again, irony suggests
that this deranged shrink seek help from a psychiatrist.
Then we come to
Critical Race Theory, a radical left philosophy that found its way into many
public schools. CRT teaches kids to hate their country and to judge their
classmates based on their skin color. Furthermore, it tells black children that
they are permanently oppressed because of their skin pigment. In addition,
there’s the hackneyed canard emphasizing that whites are the reason for the
misery of blacks. Thankfully, parents of all races are becoming aware of such extremist
agendas and are fighting back.
I could go on and
on with similar threats against whites, and they are numerous, but suffice to
say that whites have been taking a lot of abuse from leftists of all 3 races
and all 2 genders. We haven’t reached the point in which whites begin making
similar vicious comments against blacks. Nevertheless, we keep hearing blacks
are oppressed. One can only imagine the backlash if a white professor said she
fantasized about shooting blacks. Fortunately, the overwhelming number of
whites and blacks are not falling for the Machiavellian tactics of hate-filled
nihilists. To quote Maya Angelou, “Hate has caused many problems for the world,
but it has not solved one yet.”